5.56/.223 Ammo Library
As a part of my pursuit of scoped carbine/distance carbine, I am constantly testing new ammo for training or competition. This library will serve as a resource for those hoping to find the right ammo for their use. As I test more I will periodically update the chart below.
All ammo is tested using a Hodge 16” Chromo Lined Barrel with HUXWRX Flow K.
Please keep in mind this data is not intended to be an exact representation of how the ammo will perform in your gun, but rather a comparison of how each ammo performs out of the same barrel so that you can get a baseline in order to make an educated purchase.
I have opted to leave out accuracy from the testing as it can vary greatly depending on shooter and barrel.
Prices listed are from the time of testing and only intended to give an estimate of cost per round.